In the absence of other news... this.
I came into work this morning, as usual. As I live in the latest part of the World according to GMT (i.e. after UK, after Oz, after Bingbongistan) I expect to have emails to read. You've all been up all day and really should have missed me enough to pen a witticism.
However, this morning there was nothing. Not a sauage. Not even any spam email to tittilate.
"That's okay" I think, "I'll just read Pauls blog". Mmmm, also hasn't been updated.
I've swooped.
Don't know why I wrote that.
Latest news: really struggling to get you Nick back into a jolly old manx school. So that could be a big problem. I shaved my legs last night as I have a few end-of-season races coming up. It's been raining here non-stop all week. But it's picking up today. Had the car fixed yesterday (on a manufacturers recall - just like Fight Club). And I won't be in work all next week.
So, as a special treat, here's a photo of my sprogs enjoying canada, oh canada.

Me and Phoebe at a lake

Tara going to school (note the lack of school uniform)
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