Sunday, June 12, 2005

Athletic Prowess Part 2

I have broken my ankle.

Really, I have. We have this little brick wall outside our house. It's about 2 foot high and 6 inches wide. My daughters were playing at doing cartwheels in the garden so I thought I'd show them what a cartwheel is all about. On the wall. Olga Korbett style.

Ow. Apparently, the take off and flight path was wonderful, but the landing And sore. Really sore. It seems that I am no longer 15 years old. A letter from the Queen or full page advert in the Guardian informing me of this would have been appreciated.

Unfortunately, I am entered in the World Masters Games here in Canada next month so it's somewhat disrupted my training schedule. I'm trying to get my entry swapped from Cycling to Darts but am meeting some resistance. There is, so they say, no Darts category. Hmph.
