Vacation Part II - The Empire strikes his ear back
Do you know how long it takes to crop images and make one of these things? Ages.
And you can now click on all the images to get bigger versions. Although, after you've seen my wife, you may not want to do this.
Anyhoo, here we go:
This is me trying to launch Phoebe into orbit. She's a lot heavier than she looks.

This is Shirley and my lovely daughters. I feel there was an argument at this stage that Phoebe lost and Tara thinks it's funny.

This is me at the top of Knox Mountain (the local HARD ride, 4km of nasty uphill). I rode up it for some fun and met some cyclists who were organizing a race. I asked if I could play, so they let me. So I rode back down, and then rode back up only faster. I was very, very sore afterwards.

I included this picture coz I look so damn hot.

This is Tara about to do a deathslide (she didn't die though, so I've asked that it be renamed).

This is Phoebe showing that Tara isn't the only 'showoff' in the family.

This is Tara showing that no matter what Phoebe can do, she can top - "I can dive although I'm only five".

And just to prove a point, she demonstrates her skills to the entire Hotel.

This is me and Nick looking hot beside a boat (which we drove later in the week).

And that just about wraps it up for the penultimate in this trilogy. In Part 3, you can see me totally naked.